
Our History

My Father

To know my father was to know strength mixed with genuine, unconditional love, generosity, and compassion.  He was a man of great influence in his community; not because of his physical stature – even though he was a towering man – but for his 24/7 willingness to help all people.  He was a minister of God’s love, but more so in action than in word.  He showed no favoritism when it came to serving people, no matter a person’s social status, ethnicity, political affiliations, issue stances, or any other differentiating factors. One of our lifelong family friends said this about my father, “He knew a lot of rich people, a lot of poor people, but he never preferred one over the other.” And everyone knew this. Perhaps that’s why he changed lives for the better, wherever he went.  People knew he cared about them;
he really, truly cared.

Rev. Eicky Woodson

Rev. Eicky Woodson

My father

Rising Angel is a continuation of my father’s legacy.

I’ve said to many people that if I could ever measure up to even a hair on my father’s head, I’d be satisfied that I’ve done something good with my life.  Little did I know that what began as my sincere desire to pour out Christ’s love in a tangible way, like my father did, would gain momentum as more and more people caught the vision and joined in action.  Soon, it became clear that my purpose is broader than simply rendering single acts of compassion and unconditional love here and there.  I am here to rally communities together – to engender unity and changed hearts in a time where it seems chaos and division try to reign supreme.  Rising Angel ~ The Movement has begun.

Stacey Woodson

Stacey Woodson

Woodson Productions, LLC

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